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Item Details

Beautifully preserved pair of antique German religious documents, intricately designed with ornate decorative motifs and symbols of faith. These framed certificates appear to commemorate significant religious milestones, featuring detailed illustrations and inscriptions in German. The wooden frames boast stunning floral carvings, adding to their vintage charm. Perfect for collectors of religious artifacts or antique decor, these pieces radiate historical and spiritual significance. A unique opportunity to own a matching set of finely crafted and meaningful artwork

Pair of Antique German Religious Documents in Ornate Wooden Frames

Estimate Price: $50 - $100
Category: Art
Trade Ends: 02.03.2025 08:08 PM
Buyers Premium: 20%
Current Bid $5 (1 bids) Secure
Next Bid: $6
13 bidders are watching this item
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Item Details

Beautifully preserved pair of antique German religious documents, intricately designed with ornate decorative motifs and symbols of faith. These framed certificates appear to commemorate significant religious milestones, featuring detailed illustrations and inscriptions in German. The wooden frames boast stunning floral carvings, adding to their vintage charm. Perfect for collectors of religious artifacts or antique decor, these pieces radiate historical and spiritual significance. A unique opportunity to own a matching set of finely crafted and meaningful artwork

Buyer's Premium

23% up to $100,000.00

15% above $100,000.00

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